Al Trellis
- Sunday, May 5, 2019
Al Trellis has 45 years of experience as a custom home builder, speaker and consultant in the home building industry. He is a co-founder of Home Builders Network, which provides management consulting, marketing, residential design, and land planning for home builders throughout the United States and Canada. Collectively, HBN’s clients build 3,000 homes per year with a sales value of $1.2 billion. Six of their clients have been awarded the prestigious “America’s Best Builder” award through the National Association of Home Builders (NAHB).
Working with Design Basics, the leading home plan service for builders, HBN created the Neighborhood in a Box series of house plans. Al is a noted author of numerous books and articles on residential construction, including his most recent book “Building with an Attitude”. He has served as chairman of the NAHB Custom Builder, Education, and Business Management committees. As chairman of the Custom Builder Committee, he helped create the Custom Builder Symposium, and chaired the symposium for its first five years. A frequent speaker at national and local seminars and workshops, Al has been consistently rated as one of the country’s leading speakers at the NAHB International Builders Show. Al has been actively involved with strategic and operational planning at Trico since 2003, and maintains a significant role in the growth of the company.